Statement re: computation of per share earnings
Total Three Months Six Months
----- ------------ ----------
Shares at 1/1/95 ..... 12,281,302 12,281,302 12,281,302
Issued 5/8/95 ........ 15,000,000 8,736,264 4,392,265
---------- ---------- ----------
Shares at 6/30/95 .... 27,281,302 21,017,566 16,673,567
========== ========== ==========
Net loss ............. $ (129,488) $ (151,653)
======= =======
Per share ............ $(0.01) $(0.01)
====== =====
- --------------------------------
Notes - The shares issued on 5/8/95 were outstanding 58.2% and
29.3% of the respective periods, consequently, 8,736,264 and
4,392,265 shares were used in the respective calculations.
Total Three Months Six Months
----- ------------ ----------
Shares at 1/1/94
and 6/30/94 ........ 13,137,082 13,137,082 13,137,082
========== ========== ==========
Net loss from
continuing operations. $ (294,794) $ (380,140)
======= =======
Per share ............ $(0.00) $(0.00)
====== =====
Net loss ............. $ (318,084) $ (400,361)
======= =======
Per share ............ $(0.00) $(0.01)
====== =====